Gift-in-Kind (GIK) Form

Gift-in-Kind (GIK) Form


What are Gifts-in-kind (GIK) donations? GIK donations can be; computer hardware/software, industry equipment, laboratory supplies, works of art, books and other tangible personal property. We welcome these kinds of gifts as they strengthen our programs and improve facilities to provide the best possible educational experience to our students.

This form will provide all the information necessary for us to process these gifts with the FIU Foundation as well as provide appropriate giving credit to the donor. Here is what you will need before submitting this form:

1) Approval from Department/Unit Chair or Director.

2) The donation must be in FIU possession,

3) Email from Donor with;
----> name, address, phone number, and email address (for IRS Gift Receipts purpose),
----> item number, quantity, description, value (original receipt if available). If value not available, submit comparable/third-party appraisal,
----> and a note confirming "FIU will not incur any expenses associated with this gift."
----> Does the donor want to report this non-cash gift to the IRS? If so, IRS Form 8283 must be submitted filled out. PLEASE NOTE: Per FIUF GIK policy, tax receipts will not include a value associated with the gift.

Please use our contact info listed on the webpage if you have any questions.