Instructions: Please review the following link if you have not had the opportunity to do so: Confirm you understand the travel instructions as follows:
At minimum, you will need the following documentation for processing after you travel:
Method of travel to event (Airfare, mileage with personal vehicle or auto rental) Airfare confirmation/invoice: Per FIU travel policy, the dates of your domestic travel cannot start earlier than 24 hours prior to the start of your event (48 hours for foreign travel) or end 24 hours after the end of your event (48 hours for foreign travel). Airfare confirmation/invoices need to show your name, ticket number, seat type (coach or economy class), airfare amount paid and credit card used (with last four digits). Trip insurance and seat upgrades are not reimbursable. If you use a third-party website to buy tickets, print out a receipt that includes credit card used with the last 4 digits. Copies of boarding passes are optional, but it is always a good idea to submit them. (If you have GPSC funding, this could be a requirement.)
Mileage: If you drive to a conference with your own vehicle, please use the MapQuest page to generate PDFs of the mileage to the event and then another for the mileage returning. Mileage is reimbursed at a flat rate and gas receipts are not needed.
Auto Rental: Provide rental receipt showing proof of payment. Gas will be reimbursed for auto rentals and University vehicles only to the driver of the vehicle.
Event Registration: Payment confirmation must show paid with zero balance due.
Lodging: Lodging Folio showing zero balance due. (Even if you are not being reimbursed for lodging, Controllers requires to see where you stayed. In this case, please prepare a short memo explaining your accommodations to include in your post-travel paperwork) If you share a room, please request that the hotel charge each guest separately. If only one card is charged, the owner of that card will be reimbursed. This is important if you are receiving GPSC and CASE funding. Credit card statements cannot be used in place of receipts or folios. They may be used in addition to your receipts, in certain cases only, such as when multiple students share the hotel cost and you need to prove the owner of each card.
Event Program: Provide the full event program and agenda PDF.
If you have funds available, the following additional expenses can be considered for reimbursement:
Meals: Meal receipts are not required. Meal per diem for domestic travel is $36 per day ($6 breakfast, $11 lunch and $19 dinner). It is calculated from the moment your flight leaves until you return. If there are any meals included in the conference itinerary, you will not be reimbursed for them. Foreign meals are calculated depending on the city and country. Visit U.S. Department of State: Office of Allowances for that information.
Incidentals: Taxi, shuttle, baggage and airport parking receipts may also be submitted for reimbursement if you have available funding for them.
Procurement Card (Department Credit Card Use) If you secure funding early enough and you have proof of funds, the department procurement card (procard) can be used to pay for your travel costs (usually airfare, registration, and lodging). The amount we can place on the procard depends on how much funds you were awarded. For example, if your travel costs are $500 and you only have $400 in awarded funds, we can only put $400 of costs on the procard. Contact Brandon at to determine if the procard can be used in your case.
Personal Travel If you are taking additional days at the beginning, middle, or end of your FIU travel, you are responsible for all expenses incurred for these. Please indicate the days you are staying extra when sending your documentation after travel. Suppose an indirect route was taken for personal reasons, in that case, you will need to gather airfare quotes to show what the cost would be if a direct route was taken, or those additional costs were not incurred due to personal travel. Be mindful that under IRS rules if the travel is determined to be more than a minimal amount of personal travel, anywhere from a portion to the full cost of the travel could be taxable.
If you received GPSC funds, they have their own post-travel paperwork, ensure you submit theirs as well as the Psychology post-travel form mentioned earlier. *