About our committees:
The Network Development Committee serves to advise in the area of identifying, recruiting and retaining alumni volunteer leaders to serve on alumni chapter committees and boards in support of the Association’s mission. Members are also encouraged to attend chapter meetings and events on behalf of FIU Alumni. Chapters are composed of geographical, academic and special interest groups.
The Torch Awards Committee serves as the host committee. This committee is responsible for identifying and securing corporate sponsorships, in-kind donations, and selling tables or individual tickets. Net proceeds support the FIU Alumni Center Building Fund and First Generation Scholarships.
The Fishing Committee serves as the host committee. This committee is responsible for identifying and securing corporate sponsorships, in-kind donations and boat registrations. This committee plays a vital role in marketing and promoting the event in the community. Net proceeds supports the Association Scholarship Fund.
The Scholarship Committee serves to review applications and select recipients for Association scholarships. This committee helps identify and solicit individuals and companies who would like to contribute to FIU Alumni scholarships. FIU Alumni awards two scholarships on an annual basis: $1,000 Legacy Scholarship awarded to students whose parents, grandparents or siblings attended FIU and $750 Panther Pride Scholarship awarded to students demonstrating outstanding involvement on campus.
The Membership Committee will work strategically with the Office of Alumni Relations to sustain a rising trend in membership rates in all membership categories, as well as to develop ideas for supporting those members through various programs, benefits, and services. The Membership Committee assists with the development of strategies and advises the University on methods to recruit and retain members to the Association. The Membership Committee also will ensure that each member of the FIUAA Board is fulfilling his/her responsibility toward overall membership goals.
The Professional and Career Development Committee works with the Office of Alumni Relations, Colleges, and Career Services to establish programming and support for alumni seeking professional and career development. The committee is to establish and continue a mentorship program between FIU Alumni BOD and Young Alumni Network. The committee will actively support fundraising efforts for the Make a Difference fund in order to establish and continue alumni participation of internship opportunities for FIU students. The committee will work with administration, faculty, and alumni to facilitate Panther Alumni Week.
The Fundraising Committee assist the university with its overall fundraising strategy to solicit donations/philanthropic gifts in support of the following areas: Leadership Annual Gifts, Alumni Center and University Scholarships to include FIU Alumni Scholarships and First Generation Scholarships.
The Greek Committee provides opportunities for FIU Greek Alumni to become engaged in and remain involved with the University community. This Committee will follow the F.A.N.S. model to build a community of engaged alumni that will give back their time, talents.