Please fill out this form to submit your application to receive funding for a specific event during the Fiscal Year. Funding request deadlines are below for your reference. Event Date: July 1 - September 30 / Funding Application Due: May 1 Event Date: October 1 - December 31 / Funding Application Due: August 1 Event Date: January 1 - March 31 / Funding Application Due: November 1 Evend Date: April 1 - June 15 / Funding Application Due: February 1 *We ask that events requiring funding NOT take place between June 15 and July 1 in order to comply with the FIU Foundation's end-of-year closing procedures. Each Network can request up to $400 for events throughout the year as long as the event incorporates something that can help impact an area outlined in the university's Beyond Possible 2020 Strategic Plan. Please refer to the Network Event Funding Request Examples