FIU Color Guard Uniform Loan Agreement

FIU Color Guard Uniform Loan Agreement

I accept full responsibility for the uniform described above and loaned to me by Florida
International University School of Music, and I will return it, together with all its accessories,
by the last day of semester contracted for, or earlier if so requested.

• I accept full responsibility and I will return the uniform in the same condition as when
borrowed. If it is damaged, lost or stolen before I return it to the Music Department my I can
be liable for the replacement at full price.

• I will return the uniform to the Director of Bands or Shelly in W6 and shall report any
damage that may have occurred to my uniform.

• I agree that the Florida International University may impose a hold on my records and financial aid in the event that I do not return the uniform as agreed or that I have not paid the rental fee or any costs of replacement or repair for which I am responsible.